contact TKJ PolygraphspaceHome
TKJ Polygraph provides professional polygraph services for members of the criminal justice system, treatment therapist, government, business and private sectors. Testing is performed in office or suitable on-site locations in Nebraska and Iowa.

The company specializes in testing sex offenders and criminal and civil legal clients.  Testing is also provided for law enforcement pre-employment screening and limited domestic relations.


TKJ Polygraph utilizes advanced computerized scientific instrumentation and only validated examination methods.  Polygraph instruments utilized are the Lafayette and Stoelting computerized polygraph instruments and examinations are evaluated by criteria based on scientific laboratory and field studies using standard statistical methods.  We strictly adhere to all federal and state polygraph laws.


Polygraph tests resolve concerns and provide an opinion of truthfulness or deception to past acts or behaviors.  Testing will resolve matters for a number of useful applications as listed below; however, the listing is not all inclusive.  If you have a concern that you believe can only be resolved through a polygraph test, please contact us.


          Verify information for any matter

          Criminal activity

          Criminal defense
          Civil actions resolution

          Clear frivolous accusations

          Misconduct or corruption


          Clinical treatment (sex-offender, marital,
         substance abuse, domestic violence, gambling)